2024 Updates
/Hello, all-
It’s been a good while since we used this part of the site. Frankly, we’ve been spread pretty thin between the studio, fellowship activities (the core of which are now concluded but efforts continue), a lot of outside work, moving residence only a year since the last… etc. Change is in the wind everywhere. We’re thankful of what’s going right and doing our best to work on what isn’t.
Our studio space has gone though many phases, playing host to workshops, dye sessions, extreme oversize print assemblage, light metalwork, electronics repair, and more. We've been looking at ways to better use and share it for a long time. One option we would like to explore is taking expressions of interest to sub-let part or all of our mezzanine, preferably to a synergistic venture such as a private artist or collective, framer, conservator, light woodworker, etc. This could also mean a long-term residency model including printing collaborations with the studio.
Options include a blank space of variable size or to share use of our existing infrastructure and tools. This would include use of domestic facilities and options for pressroom access.
If a secure toehold in Northgate is of interest, please reach out and we'll talk details.
That said, we’ve long explored the idea of finding a shared space closer to the city centre to improve accessibility and visibility and are open to such opportunities if anything comes up!
Keep well, all-