2018 Year End Update
/Happy New Year!
We are writing from the woods of northern Wisconsin, visiting the regional snowy lakes, print studios, and galleries on an overdue holiday. However, we are thrilled to announce our new studio permanent location, with opening hours commencing February 2019. Located within Northgate Workstores opposite the Golden Circle Cannery at the corner of Earnshaw and Crockford, this studio will facilitate the bulk of our publishing and contract printing, while allowing us to finally hold workshops on-site. Our educational program for the year will be posted in the following weeks, including short- and long-form classes (especially in lithography). We are pleased to share that we will host guest instructors in areas such as bookbinding and tool sharpening. Our offerings through Work-Shop Brisbane and other venues continue, with new locations in development.
We would like to extend our thanks to Butterfield Projects and Husband Architects for helping us make Crockford St our permanent home, with the ongoing support of family and friends encouraging our progress. See you in 2019!